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Avoid Black Friday Crowds And Shop Online


Can you believe that Thanks Giving is this week? I feel like we JUST celebrated Halloween! Time sure flies, but I'm glad it does because Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays! It's a great way to share a meal with your close friends and family and list out the things you are thankful for - and then there's Black Friday.

I find Black Friday sort of hilarious because it's literally the day after Thanksgiving - a day where we express our gratitude of all the things we have...and then the next day we go out among the chaotic and aggressive crowds fighting over the last flat screen TV....even though you already have 2 of them at home...but hey! THIS ONE is only $300 so you HAVE to claim it even if that means throwing a couple elbows and shoves :)

Black Friday is definitely a cash cow for retailers but it's a very stressful day for consumers and even non consumers! There's extra traffic, long lines and a demolished store! At this point, it may be best to just stay home to avoid the Black Friday craziness!

FORTUNATELY, you can do all your Black Friday shopping on the internet today. I mean...how awesome is that? Say sayonara to waiting hours and hours in a line on a cold, bone chilling night and getting pushed around once those doors have opened!

Contact: sales3@vistektechnology.com

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